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    Consumer Proposal Loan

    Being stuck in a Consumer Proposal for the full 5 years is a tough reality. Especially, since it must be denoted on the Credit Report.

    Without a doubt, any record of insolvency puts a person at a financial disadvantage – delaying the opportunity for economic mobility. It’s much harder to get a mortgage, or credit account (i.e. line of credit or credit card) – impossible if the proposal is still underway.

    How it works:

    Now enter gRnr into the lending space. gRnr provides loans to people undergoing Consumer Proposal or Division 1 Proposal: to get them out of the proposal and the denotation removed from their Credit Report as soon as possible.

    Only a few lenders in Canada are willing to give money to someone in a Consumer Proposal or Division 1 Proposal.

    gRnr understands that Consumer Proposals can be for the hardest working people in our society. People who carry the weight of their world. Their income must pay for a host of unavoidable financial obligations. Often the cause of insolvency is selfless: to support family dependents – children and the elderly. Perhaps they took on tremendous debt to start their own business – hoping for a better life for their family. Maybe they went through years of divorce proceedings.

    Any such person, after years of supplementing expenses with high-interest credit, found themselves with few options but resort to a Consumer Proposal.

    The stories of what led many into debt are wide-ranging, but it means they overcame hardship and made the effort to repair their finances and take control. These are people gRnr chooses to admire instead of disregard and we believe the same motivation to overcome financial obstacles in the first place, still persists within such a person.

    If you are in a Consumer Proposal or Division 1 Proposal, no matter at what stage, your next financial hurdle should be exiting the proposal, as fast as possible. You can then get on with living, and raise your credit score, net worth, as well as your sense of self-worth. Once you are free of the proposal, you can confidently reach those life goals, whether financial or personal. Build that dream life again, without debt holding you back.


    A gRnr loan speeds up the process of getting out of a Consumer Proposal as fast as possible and helps you get back to a happy life. Ready to get started? Contact gRnr today!

    Are you ready to take control of your finances?

    gRnr is committed to helping you get out of debt and retrieve the financial freedom that you deserve. Apply for a complimentary consultation with our experts.


    Imagine Living Life Debt-Free. Contact Us.

    Customer Service

    Phone: 1-888-263-3030


    Contact Us


      Consumer Proposal Loan

      Being stuck in a Consumer Proposal for the full 5 years is a tough reality. Especially since it must be denoted on the Credit Report.

      Without a doubt, any record of insolvency puts a person at a financial disadvantage - delaying the opportunity for economic mobility. It’s much harder to get a mortgage, or credit account (i.e. line of credit or credit card) - impossible if the proposal is still underway.

      Now enter gRnr into the lending space. gRnr provides loans to people undergoing Consumer Proposal or Division 1 Proposal: to get them out of the proposal and the denotation removed from their Credit Report as soon as possible.

      Few lenders in Canada are willing to give money to someone in a Consumer Proposal or Division 1 Proposal.

      gRnr understands that proposal can be for the hardest working people in our society. People who carry the weight of their world. Their income must pay for a host of unavoidable financial obligations. Often the cause of insolvency is selfless: to support family dependents - children and the elderly. Perhaps they took on tremendous debt to start their own business - hoping for a better life for their family. Maybe they went through years of divorce proceedings.

      Any such person, after years of supplementing expenses with high-interest credit, found themselves with few options but resort to a Consumer Proposal.

      The stories of what led many into debt are wide-ranging, but it means they overcame hardship and made the effort to repair their finances and take control. These are people gRnr chooses to admire instead of disregard and we believe the same motivation to overcome financial obstacles in the first place, still persists within such a person.

      If you are in a Consumer Proposal or Division 1 Proposal, no matter at what stage, your next financial hurdle should be exiting the proposal, as fast as possible. You can then get on with living, and raise your credit score, net worth, as well as your sense of self-worth. Once you are free of the proposal, you can confidently reach those life goals, whether financial or personal. Build that dream life again, without debt holding you back.

      A gRnr loan speeds up the process of getting out of a Consumer Proposal as fast as possible and helps you get back to a happy life. Ready to get started? Contact gRnr today!

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        7030 Woodbine Avenue, Suite 500

        Markham, Ontario

        L3R 6G2


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        Hours of Operation

        Mon – Fri

        8:00AM – 7:00PM


        The Right Borrowing Solution For Your Needs